serve with us!
Jesus invites us to find greatness by serving others. We seek to provide appropriate opportunities to serve – from within the church to foreign missions trips, there are plenty of ways to get involved.
It takes volunteers to keep a growing church running smoothly every week. We are always looking for more folks to do everything from making coffee to greeting people in the morning.
Lakeview Kids
Infant through Age 10.
Lakeview Students
Teens Grades 6-12.
Greeting Team
Welcoming new guests and old friends

Cafe Lakeview
Serving up coffee and refreshments.
Life Groups
Doing Life Together.
Praying for one another, for our community, and for the world.

Worship & Tech
Guiding hearts to encounter Jeasus

Photography and Videography

Planning, preparation, and setup.

Behind The Scenes
Office assistance and facility maintenance.

Community Outreach
Volunteer at one of our regular community outreach events.

What's Your Passion?
Let's see what we can do together!
angela day
Church Administrator
Exploring ways to get involved and make a meaningful impact at Lakeview? Start here! Share your interests, skills, and hobbies with Angela, and she'll work with you to find the perfect fit for you to thrive and grow in your service to our church family. Let's discover your unique role together!